Exoticism Borobudur Temple of Puncak Suroloyo Bukit Menoreh

Borobudur Temple, Image

Borobudur temple is located about 42 km northwest of Yogyakarta, located in the village of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java. This temple is the second largest Buddhist temple after Ankor Wat temple in Cambodia. Borobudur was built between the 8th century and 9th. Borobudur has extensive 123 x123 m2, with 504 Buddha statues, stupas overlay 72 and 1 main stupa. Borobudur temple has 2672 relief panels which, when arranged lined up will reach a length of 6 kilometers.

It takes no less than 2 million blocks of andesite, equivalent to 50,000 sq m to build the temple of Borobudur. The overall weight of the temple to reach 3.5 million tons. Like most buildings of the temple, Bororbudur has 3 parts, the legs, body and head. Foot building called Kamadhatu, which tells the story of human consciousness that is filled with lust and animalistic traits. Then Ruphadatu, which means a level of human consciousness that is still bound lust, material and shape. While Aruphadatu, which no longer bound lust, material and shape, depicted in the form of an empty stupa. This can only be achieved with the desire and emptiness.

One thing that is not known to many people, the beautiful Borobudur temple can be seen from above, from the summit of Suroloyo, are top Menoreh Hill, located approximately 45 km from the city of Yogyakarta to the northwest. Located in District Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. From this peak, the Borobudur Temple as if surrounded by four major mountains on the island of Java, namely Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing, and Sindoro, poking among the white mist.

After enjoying the panorama of summit Suroloyo. Come into Sidoharjo village which is located about 5.5 km below the summit Suroloyo. Here you can enjoy waterfalls, by the local people called "Curug", the beauty of the waterfall is not inferior to the waterfall "Grojogan Sewu" in Tawangmangu. Waterfall with a height of about 75 m is still very natural. You can also enjoy a small river that flows from the summit of the winding. Since there is no signpost, while at summit Suroloyo, ask at the locals, where the waterfall Sidoharjo location, so you do not get lost.
Written by: Jogja Holidays
Jogja Holidays, Updated at: 12:14 AM

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