Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, Traces the struggle "Father National Education"

Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum

Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, located on Jl. Taman Siswa 31, Yogyakarta. Kirti Griya means the the work place, Kirti meaningful work, and Griya meaningful home. The museum collects objects authentic family-owned Ki Hadjar Dewantara, "Father of National Education". Traces of Ki Hadjar Dewantara struggle in educating the nation's children can be tracked at the museum.

Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, occupying Dutch style house. The museum is not a museum ordinary, but special museum just like Ki Hadjar Dewantara biography. It's just that his story is not packaged in the form of text or a book, but packed through a collection of objects and photographs on display, with a structured arrangement, visitors can record the history of the struggle Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
Written by: Jogja Holidays
Jogja Holidays, Updated at: 8:18 PM

Pindul caves, beautiful scenery underground river Oya

Pindul Cave, Oya River

Pindul Cave, located in the village Bejiharjo, Karangmojo district, Gunungkidul district. This cave is a cave in which flows an underground river. Unlike other caves when going down have to walk, in this Pindul Cave you simply ride tires provided by a guide, and you just follow the flow of the river, looking at the beauty of the stalagmite. Before you go, will be briefed by the guide, what things to watch out for your safety. Will also be equipped with a life jacket so no need to worry, even if you can not swim.

After Pindul Cave down, you will find magnificent scenery, a hidden waterfall in the river Oyo. Once you are satisfied the water play, time to get back to the base camp, there is provided a traditional food, such as "sego abang" were very tasty and nutritious high.
Written by: Jogja Holidays
Jogja Holidays, Updated at: 10:24 PM

Pura Pakualaman part from the privilege of Yogyakarta

pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta

Pura Pakualaman, Duchy Palace which is located east of Yogyakarta Kingdom. The history of the Duchy is not separated from the history of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Palace which was founded in the early nineteenth century AD, now the residence of Sri Paduka Paku Alam IX and his family, who is currently also the Vice Governor of Yogyakarta, and a "dwi tunggal" with the Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana X (part of the privilege of Yogyakarta).

Pura Pakualaman traditional art performances

Every month on the second and fourth week, held at Pura Pakualaman traditional art performances from the traditional arts groups that are around Yogyakarta.

Open: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 09:30 to 13:30

Puro Pakualaman

Jl. Sultan Agung Yogyakarta

Telp. 0274-562161
Written by: Jogja Holidays
Jogja Holidays, Updated at: 12:33 AM